Your gums and roots of your teeth form the foundations that allow you to chew and smile. The health of these foundations is key to a healthy mouth.
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Gavin was suffering with pain, swollen gums and bad breath. Andrew carried out comprehensive gum treatment and taught Gavin how to maintain the health of his gums. Gavin can now chew in comfort as well as speak in public without being self-conscious about his breath.
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Daniel’s gum has receded, allowing the root surface to chip away. Andrew very simply rebuilt the root surface with a tooth coloured material to protect and strengthen the vulnerable area of root surface.
Emma’s experience
I found this experience to be easy, well organised and clear about what was going to happen and what results I should expect.
Even though the procedure takes a long time I didn’t find it uncomfortable and it certainly didn’t hurt in the slightest.
I am overjoyed with the results of my ‘new’ teeth and find I am a lot more confident and proud of my smile now instead of embarrassed.
This is something that I would whole heartedly recommend to anyone who is considering this treatment.